Wednesday, 17 March 2010


Deer Gerry, Its grate two sea you back from foreign erotic plaices in thyme for saint Paddies day.
I suppose you will bee lilting at Free Derry korner for the Irish dancers. Its good two sea that you take your civil responsibilites seriously. I wish I could sea you, arrayed in green soot, shirt and tie. What a vision of Hibernian court, kah-tour you must bee.
On the dot of half past nine, my Sun Bon Jovi and me will form up in front of the midden and make our way to saint Judas church in Clougher in strict formation.
We wool be peeping like too snipers out of a veritable garden of shamrocks, dockens, ivy, green ribbons and suelugs. Bon Jovi has knot kleaned his teeth since Kristmas. So he kan flash a good green saint Patrick's day smile. I must curtail this letter Gerry. I have a twist in my tites that is driving me Do-Lally. I am glad to say that my green nickers lie in an untwisted state on the bed. So Gerry, have a good day. Take a wee packet of Tunes with you. Lilting kan be wild sore on the throat.
What a grate day it is. As Irish men and women pay honour too a man from Whales, Briton,France, or where ever the hell saint Patrick came from.
"K-Me-A-Fault-Yah" from-Rosie Ryan. xxx

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