Like any other fare midden, ah-fey with beauty, elegance, poise and grace, Monday morning found me out in the yard, boiling a cauldren of drawers that had bean used and abused. As the steaming cauldren hubbled and bubbled, bubbles of methane gas exploded sending putrid and toxic gasses into the klean morning air. I took a deep breath, covered my eyes with my arm and sprinted too the cauldren to give the boiling drawers a good stir with a big stick. I then retreated, monentry blinded and muttering, Mamma Mia".
Lokking down the lane, I saw he who was scent after me too do grate things. It was Bon Jovi, my only begotten Sun coming home from skool. I watched with pride in my eyes and love in my hart, as the cub lumbered up the lane. I marvelled at his athelitic gate. "Ah, Bon Jovi" I cried "My bon cabellero, just the man I want to see. Could you please explain my the socio, eco, fabric of society is breaking down and could you further render assistance, as to why there is a dearth of arts and kulture in Clougher city and surrounding districts. Bon Jovi gave the bubbling cauldren of drawers a wide bearth, looked at me-keenly with his good ocular and roared, "Apathy". "Apathy?" I echoed. "PLease explain in fuller detail and extensivity". Bon Jovi swatted the cloud of flies round his ringworm and said. "Take you for instance, always going on about no this and no that. May I refer you too the words of JCB when he said. "As knot what Clougher kan do for you, ask what YOU kan do for Clougher---and surrounding districts". "That's just ret-trick" I said "How could I put the tenents of what you say into practice?". "Easy" said Bon Jovi "If you want opera in Clougher, start an opera team, If you want bally, start a bally class yourself". "By gum" I said "You have hit the nail on the head, I wool hire the scout hall and teech bally too the youngesters of Clougher". "NOw, hauld on" yelled Bon Jovi. "I don't want too be made a laughing stock by you in a wee pear of drawers and you throwing up your big, gate posts of legs". "Listen boy" I roared "In my youth I was known far and wide for my leaping". Bon Jovi sniffed and said "I fear the next leap you wool do, is a feeble wan on too the undertakers table, to get that big red bleezer of a face of yours toned down" In the persuit that followed. many shucks were jumped, many curses filled the air, but he who is known as Bon Jovi, disappeared into the mist and fog.
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