Thursday, 23 December 2010

Kristmas Cooking with Rosie

Gerry, my bon a-me. May I borrow your hair waves to say a big, hodie mihi cras tibi, Erin go bragh and a big thank you, to Sean Quinn's big green cement lorries.
The bounty of road kill they have brought me this Kristmas is unparelled in quantity and quality.
I have stoats, weasels,peasents, badgers and a ginger thing with a bell round its neck that could well be a domestos kat.
Gnashers at No 13 the bog road Clougher wool be working overtime on Kristmas day.
There may be some young ladies out there, shacking up or newly married who don't no how to cook yuletide road kill let me ah-luce-ah-date.
FIRST! All road kill must be nude. My sun Bon Jovi and me wool remove all feathers, fur, hair or wool.
Then cut off all heads and tales, but don't throw these away. The heads and tales of rodents make a thick, rich stock that wood make Oxo look like insipid piss-pee.
Now, marionette. Marionette the succelect flesh over-nite in a dish of Guinness, cider and just a sue-spoon of Benelin cough medicine.
Place the road kill on a roasting dish that has been liberally smeared with vaseline petroleum jelly.
Then, simply pop it into a red hot oven. Don't worry about hi-tech oven timers, the shrill squeel of the smoke defectors wool alert you to the fact that your Kristmas dinner is ready.
By now your spuds, karrots and brussel sprouts should also be ready.
Simply heap on to plates and get stuck in.
Bon Jovi and me never talk during Kristmas dinner. We sit crouched over, protecting our dinner with our elbows emitting anamalistic grunts, yelps and growls.
By the time the Queen says.
"On behalf of my husband and me" Bon Jovi wool run to open the half door to accomodate the salvo of breaking wind which follows.
Then, full as too poisoned pups, Bon Jovi wool crawl into his cardboard box, breaking wind intermittenly, while I utulise the po leap into bed and billow the duvet as a thick,turgid, gurgling stream of road kill makes its way to my large intestate.
And that my Yuletide chums, is how Rosie Ryan cooks road kill.
From Bon Jovi and me,
"We wish you a merry Kristmas
We wish you a merry Kristmas
We wish you a merry Kristmas
And a nappy knew 'ere! from,
Rosie Ryan, the Fanny of Clougher!
PS. Oh, I meant two rite, the Fanny Haddock of Clougher!

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