Monday, 18 April 2011

An Appeal To All Floaters.

This is Rosie Ryan appealing for your vote. Pleeze give your number one's and number two's to me. Rosie Ryan, is a single mother and bewitching beauty with numerous bog skills.
I appeal to all the floaters out there, gather round the canditate who, for many years was a floater herself.
I understand the mind of a floater.
If we float alone we drown. Lets come together, right now, over me.
A vote for Rosie Ryan is a vote for fierce, good headucation.
What us skools need is dedicated teechers stuffed with Hi-headucation.
A vote for Rosie Ryan is a vote for sanitry.
A vote for Rosie Ryan is a vote for free turf for the over 97's.
A vote for Rosie Ryan is a vote for peace in our time, the working man and the pound in your knicker pocket.
You'se will never have it so good if you vote for Rosie Ryan.
So to all floaters I say, let me, Rosie Ryan be the recetable for your number one's and two's on erection day.
Vote Rosie Ryan because you're worth it.
So, don't delay, vote today for Rose Ryan, founder of the "Cunt'ry Party".
Endorsed by, Kelly's Knickers, Brannigan's bread, Mulligans Poundies, Daniel O'Donnell and Gerald Michael Anderson.

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