Friday, 18 February 2011

Clougher Calling!

Salutaire Jelly,
Clougher calling! Clougher calling in the form of buck-some, beauty, Rosie Ryan.
What a weak its been Jelly.
You really extinguished yourself as you sat in for Geraldine Michelle Anderson.
You have many fine attributions Jelly, but standing tall among all your attributiveness is your indefatigable-Bon-Ah-Me.
People in Clougher talk of little else.
"Jelly Keeley is full!" said auld Savannah O'Really.
As she clutched a pound of special mince between her knees all the better to button up her German Gestapo world war two grate coat.
"Jelly Keeley is full of good will and Bon-Ah-Me.
It must have bean a pleasure for his mammy to change his nappy and sea a gurgling face full of bon-ah-me smile up at her".
You made a big depression on the Clougher wans Jelly, next time you drive through your kar won't be stoned.
May I take a soup spoon of your time to ask for a wee inquest.
Pleeze play, "Crazy" bye Patsy Cline for wee Daffy McDilly who took the morning after pill the day before and now can't tell if its Fryday, half past three in the afternoon or pancake Tuesday!
Her boy-fiend, Barney (The weasel)Mulligan is having second thoughts about the wedding.
As Barney so aptly put it,
"If Daffy's off her trolly she can find another mug!".
Sediments which I heartly endorse.
Sew, 'till we meet again, its goodbye from you and goodbye from me,
the Lady Gaga of Clougher,
Rosie Ryan xxx

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