Monday, 14 February 2011


High Jelly, Its the much desired, but unnatainable Rosie Ryan 'ere.
How joyfull and utterly beguiling it is to sea your postillian on Gerry Anderson's rocking chair again.
You are as welcome as the flour in May.
Any auld rubbish wool do Anderson's listeners.
Most of them are kept medicated to stop them running amok in the streets.
May I impinge on our friendship to ask for a wee inquest.
Jelly pleeze play, "I like To Ride My Bicycle" bye Queen for wee
Bosco Fellini. (Yes! Bosco is of Italian distraction)
Wee Bosco is in hospital and the reason for his being there came about thus.
Wee Bosco was in a pub drowing his sorrows after his wife Lola run away with a mouth-organ player from Gortin.
When wee Bosco left the pub he failed to sea that some fly boys from Clougher had removed the seat from his bicycle.
Wee Bosco threw his leg on the bicycle, settled back on the seat and was impaled on 7 inches of cold, rusty, Sheffield steel.
Some hanlin'. Like marriage, man and bicycle had became as one.
The priest was called but refused to bless their unusual union..
"Throw a bucket of water over them!" yelled big Maggie Ferrari.
Who lives on her own with 47 kats.
Bosco will be in hospital for a month.
There is good news and bad news.The bad news is, wee Bosco will never dance the Walls of Limrick again, the good news is, neither will he suffer from constipation.
Bon Jovi wonders will wee Bosco whistle when the wind blows through him?.
Maybe old Jordie wood no!
From your Queen of hart's,
Rosie Ryan xxx

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