Thursday, 22 May 2008


Now that youse all no me and no who wild smart and intelligent I am from my ritings, I wood like two offer youse a "Special" service.
I wood like two set myself up as an agony ant. I have vast noledge of all things from, affaier-de-le hart, fashion, health and animal and poultry husband-derry.
So forget your inn-a-bitions, pick up computer and rite two your ant,ie Rosie.
I wool do my best two answer all queeries.
I kan assure you of Ann-ah-nimity, I wool be like your doctor or spiritual adviser.
Nothing shocks me-I am a woman of the world, I kan go too Gortin bye myself and some-thymes come home again on the same nite.

I no what most of you are thinking, she no's a quare lot about a quare lot of things. I feel I should knot horde my grate knowledge, but scatter it two the fore winds, like a boy sewing korn.
Don't be shy, Rosie won't hurt youse. I sea myself as a shi--litehouse, sending the beam of knowledge two those who are in peril.
I no some of youse has yourself worried sick about wan wee thing or another.
Now is the thyme two get it off your chest, if you have know chest, I kan help you there two, boil some dockens in kats milk and rub it on under a full moon-then-HAY PRESTO, stand back and watch them grow.
Men, deer shy men, I no ah lot of you have "under-carriage" problems. don't hide in the coal house reeding Our Boys, let Rosie help, know matter how small your problem is, I Rosie Ryan, wool endevor two rite the rongs in your under-carriage. Don't look at me as a woman, a lot of peeple in Clougher don't. Look on me as a friend, a konfident,but if you're sending fotos relating two the under-carriage, make sure you cell-a-tape the envelope.
Fashin ladies-nickers in perticular, i am steeped in knowledge relating two the drawers. Don't leave it two late, Summers coming. I wool show you how two brighten up an auld pear of red flannel drawers, using just a tin of emlusion paint and a tin opener.

So come on, get computing, you kan rite two me
That's jpmcmenamin@ gmail. com
So lets be having you, Remebmer the auld song-----
When you're down and troubled
And need a helping hand
And nothing-nuthin just works out rite
YOU HAVE A FRIEND And that friend is Rosie Ryan eeh male me at jpmcmenamin@gmail. com
I wool treat all korespondance with the most inproritory. Ah-Dew,Rosie Ryan.

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